Monday, December 5, 2011


The field of green chemistry is learning cleaner and more effective ways to produce things that are needed. To be green is to utilize your materials and discard those materials in a way as not to add to the land fills or harm the environment. A green chemist's job is to find these ways and preform them with their own labs and products.

The most intriguing examples at work that I found out about was the cogeneration plant at UNH Durham. I was really impressed that a NH university can be called a leader in something that is green and benefits the environment. By doing this they are not only being greener but saving the state money. The plant is a major contributor to the University's heating and without that the University would have to find that money else where. Either by asking for more funds from the state or by raising tuition prices.

Prevention because green chemistry is all about lessening the impact on the environment.
Use Renewable feedstocks. The earth doesn't have an endless supply of fossil fuels and it is so important to find rewable resoucres to take their places.
Design of degradation is so important so landfills don't become huge and start to take up too much space .Biodegrable products are essential.

Monday, November 28, 2011

corn is cool

Corn is used as a chemical feedstock. It is clear that fossil fuels have a limitation. There is not an endless supply that will bring the world energy forever. So about 30 or 40 years ago scientists looked further into renewable sources of energy and for products, that is when they found corn.

Through advances in biotechnology corn can be used to in many ways and for multiple products:

-Ethanol which is an additive to gasoline for vehicles
-Acetone and butanol which is a solvent (a liquid, gas, or solid that dissolves another liquid solid or gas)
-Lactic Acid which is used in moisturizers as well as helps fabric accept dyes, and more commonly in the dairy industry
-Acetic acid which is used in the textile industry for neutralization in dying, IT is also used when producing vitamins, antibiotics, and hormones. The acid is also the main chemical in vinegar
-Citric Acid which is used for flavoring foods
 With everything in life nothing is perfect. Making these products from corn is can be very time consuming and going along with that isn’t always cost effective.

Monday, November 14, 2011

making UNH the first

 In operation since 2006, the UNH Durham cogeneration plant brings the campus 85% of their electricity and heat. First the plant preserves waste heat that would be lost during the production of electricity and uses it to heat the campus’s building. Incredibly the plant would pay for itself within 20 years.

Later in 2009 UNH joined with Waste Management's Turnkey Recycling and Environmental Enterprise in Rochester and developed the ECOline which brings from purified methane gas.  The pipeline is almost 13 miles long. The ECOline would be paid by within 10 years.

UNH is the first university to have this much of their total energy be produced from recycled resources. It is also amazing that this can be said for a campus that is 5 million square feet.

"making UNH the first"

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Pesticide Free

Pesticides used for agricultural purposes are extremely harmful to the environment. A pesticide it used to get rid of or prevent "pests" whether that be insects, rodents, birds, or bacteria on a agricultural product.
But many pesticides are toxic and when used pollutes the soil, air, and water. The United States has some regulations for pesticides to lessen the affect they have on the environment. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is used to to this. This agency studies and tests the pesticide's toxicity to mammals, birds, and fish. As well as the pesticide's environmental impact on non target plants, water sources, and animals.

In my research looking at pesticides I found a company that is trying to do their part greening their pesticide process. Go Green Agricultural is a company that prides itself in doing everything in the greenest way they can find. Their speciality product is lettuce or what they call it Happy Lettuce. It is grown in a greenhouse. They use hydroponic  farming where the plants aren't grown in soil but in nutrient-rich water (that they recycle). When ready they are picked and packaged living (with the roots still attached) to maximize the self life and the amount of nutrients in the lettuce. Packaging for them is also green. They use a recyclable plastic and the packaging also acts like a mini greenhouse to help keep the lettuce fresh.

All of this is very impressive but what I found particular interesting was that they don't use a pesticide! They use ladybugs! They ladybugs eat the insects that traditional pesticides on other farms kill. Lady bugs are a predatory insect that keeps the lettuce pest free and the plants and environment pesticide free.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


A specific example of a biological interaction with environmental cheimcals would be DDT. The process of DDT is pretty simple. A foreign substance to an environment works its way up the food chain and as it moves up it becomes for conentrate and more harmful to the larger speices. For example a bottom feeder in a lake or pond would eat the foreign substance then a small fish would eat the bottom feeder. Next a larger fish would eat the small fish and after that a bird would eat the larger fish. As the foreign substance makes its way into all of these organisms it would become more and more concentrated and leaving bigger damage. It would kill most of the birds that eat the infected fish.
         When the effects of DDT were first seen in the 1950s it was among robins in the United States. Toxic spray to control beetles was ingested by worms and the worms were then eaten by the robins and killed large amounts of robins in that area.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Vehicles are the leading air pollute. It is not only the use of cars but the production as well as the disposal that causes the smoggy skies and dirty air we breath. Major pollutes that are put into the air during these processes are

Particulate matter  that are tiny pieces of metal that are release into the air.

Hydrocarbons that react with nitrogen oxides when in sunlight and form ground level ozone(ingredient in smog)

Nitrogen Oxides which as we know combined with sunlight and hydrocarbons form ground level ozone

Carbon Monoxide  formed by the combustion of fossil fuels (gasoline)  and is emitted primarily from cars and trucks. It is also odorless, colorless, and poisonous which makes it deadly when inhaled in big amounts
Sulfur Dioxide created by power plants and vehicles because they burn sulfur containing fuels like diesal

When these compounds are released into the air we get a combination that creates harmful gases which are linked to cancer, respiratory problems, and various other health problems with young children.

Electric, hydrids and more fuel efficient motor vehicles have been made to help lessen the impact on the environment. In 2012 these are the new cars that will lower the impact on the environment:

Electric BMW ActiveE,  Ford Focus Electric, Honda Fit EV, Mitsubishi i MiEV

Hybrid Honda Civic Hybrid,  Infiniti M Hybrid, Buick Lacrosse, Chevy Malibu

Fuel Efficient Chevrolet Sonic Hatchback , FIAT 500, Ford Focus, Honda Civic, Hyundai Accent


Monday, October 17, 2011

Water as a Solvent

 Water is a chemical compound, a solvent and, a polar molecule. Its chemical formula H2O. meaning every water molecule is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. It is a green solvent because it is natural and there is a lot of water on earth.  70% of the Earth's surface is covered by it.

Water is a good green solvent because of its polarity which simply means equal bonding electrons are shared between atoms.When a polar compound enters the water the water molecules surrounds the compound. A polar compound could be salt (sodium chloride). In water the compound separates and each element is surrounded by water molecules. The ions then are easily move away from the crystal structure into the solution/water.

So if you were to do a experiment to observe how salt crystals are form. Water is a green solvent that can be used. It can also be a green solvent in other experiments observing how different compounds dissolve. For example compounds like calcium choloride, sodium hydroxide, or sucrose.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

sodium gluconate

 I found Sodium gluconate on Clorox's Green Works website. The compound is used in their laundry detergent.  The company uses it to balance pH levels  in the detergent and and prevent the other chemiacals that "fight stains" from breaking down.

Sodium gluconate is the sodium salt found in glousonic acid. It is made when the acid ferments. The compound is not toxic and highly biodegradable! An amazing 98% in TWO days!! Which is why it is a good ingredient in green products and processes. An important property of this compound is its chelating powers which is how it combines a metal ion with a chemical compound to form a ring. Metals like  iron, copper, and aluminium. The compound is a plasticizer which would make the product it was used in more pliable. In food the compound reduces bitterness.

The compound is whitish-tan and is a fine crystallized powder that is soluble in water. It is used in diary products, diet foods, household cleaners and detergents, dental and skin care, inks, dyes, and paints.

The compound's chemical formula is C6H11NaO7.       

information found at and

Monday, September 26, 2011


New Green products have been popping up all over the place. One category I find interesting is cleaning products. Old cleaning products have strong smells, they have extreme warning labels on them. They didn't seem like a very safe thing to use and inhale everyday.

Clorox came out with a green line, Green Works, of cleaners including an all purpose cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom cleaner, and glass cleaner. What makes these products green is they company using natural ingredients, safer chemistry in the producing of the cleaner, and that the ingredients used are biodegradable. Some ingredients they use are oleic acid, lactic acid, potassium citrate, and sodium octyl sulfate

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Whats in your Food?

             If you were to think of one of the most popular food products in the United States I believe most people would come up with macaroni and cheese. Kraft mac and cheese is an American classic that is quick and easy to make. It convenient for the working mother or father, the teenage babysitter, and the poor college student. But do you know whats reallying this delicious dinner food????
              I starting reading the ingredients part of the nutrition facts and I have pick out three of the most obscene words. the first one i found was sodium tripolyphosphate. I found a definition from The Free Online Dictionary it said the compound is a substance added to soaps and detergents to increase their cleaning action.  It is a inorganic, salt and acid compound. My top google results all said the same thing it is a compound increasing the power of soaps. After digging a little deeper I found that it is also used in foods as a preservative. It is common  in seafood, poultry, meats and animal feeds. It does many things in many a lot of different food products in meats it helps reduce discoloration and reduces shrinking of the product. It tenderizes canned products like beans and veggies. In baked products using eggs it helps the whipping process. In Kraft mac and cheese it is used as a basic preservative.
           The next long confusing word I found in the ingredients was thiamin mononitrate or more commonly known as B1. Surprisingly this long scary word does good things for your body. It is a essential to healthy body development. Your body can't make this nutrient so it must be ingested. It is a water soluable nutrient that helps keeps your eyes, hair and skin healthy. It is very common in food products because of its healthy for your body.  B1 as well as other B vitmins helps convert fat to energy. B1 can be found in cereals, grains, nuts and meats.
             Maybe this last word is not long and scary but it is kind of strange to find on mac and cheese box. Lactic acid was something I thought your body made during carido exercising, but I guess its in mac and cheese too. It is a pH regulator. A pH regulator is improves the flavor of  food, helps maintain color, and is a preservative to prolong storage life.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Josie Colbert Green Chemistry F11

           Before this class i have never heard of  green chemistry. I have only heard of the kind that would make little explosions and blow up in people's faces if they didn't make the precise measurements. The kind that teachers would warn students about, and had pages and pages of safety precautions with each chemical. That chemistry I know a couple things about but green chemistry is something completely new to me. Signing up for this class I am prepared to leave those harsh chemicals behind and start with something new and safer for everyone involved.
             I have been reading about green chemistry from a couple different sources. The most basic information I got from all the sources was that green chemistry is not harmful to the environment like the traditional chemistry procedures. It uses natural and unharmful chemicals so not to damage the environment. Goals of green chemistry are reducing waste and and using safer chemicals. Another goal is to reuse and recycle the appropriate chemicals. Just throwing them out is a unnecessary waste the chemistry community has realized. Another goal is to dispose of the chemicals properly so not to harm anyone.
               Some reasons why people in the chemistry field have made this new concept of "green chemistry" is because of old procedures that have been putting innocent people in harms way. The irresponsible disposing of harmful chemicals have brought many problems that involved a lot of time and money to fix. People within the last couple decades have realized that the earth isn't going to last if we keep using it the way it has been used. People in the chemistry field have put their heads together and developed a new branch of chemistry to try to promote and help stop destruction on the earth.