Thursday, September 29, 2011

sodium gluconate

 I found Sodium gluconate on Clorox's Green Works website. The compound is used in their laundry detergent.  The company uses it to balance pH levels  in the detergent and and prevent the other chemiacals that "fight stains" from breaking down.

Sodium gluconate is the sodium salt found in glousonic acid. It is made when the acid ferments. The compound is not toxic and highly biodegradable! An amazing 98% in TWO days!! Which is why it is a good ingredient in green products and processes. An important property of this compound is its chelating powers which is how it combines a metal ion with a chemical compound to form a ring. Metals like  iron, copper, and aluminium. The compound is a plasticizer which would make the product it was used in more pliable. In food the compound reduces bitterness.

The compound is whitish-tan and is a fine crystallized powder that is soluble in water. It is used in diary products, diet foods, household cleaners and detergents, dental and skin care, inks, dyes, and paints.

The compound's chemical formula is C6H11NaO7.       

information found at and

Monday, September 26, 2011


New Green products have been popping up all over the place. One category I find interesting is cleaning products. Old cleaning products have strong smells, they have extreme warning labels on them. They didn't seem like a very safe thing to use and inhale everyday.

Clorox came out with a green line, Green Works, of cleaners including an all purpose cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, bathroom cleaner, and glass cleaner. What makes these products green is they company using natural ingredients, safer chemistry in the producing of the cleaner, and that the ingredients used are biodegradable. Some ingredients they use are oleic acid, lactic acid, potassium citrate, and sodium octyl sulfate

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Whats in your Food?

             If you were to think of one of the most popular food products in the United States I believe most people would come up with macaroni and cheese. Kraft mac and cheese is an American classic that is quick and easy to make. It convenient for the working mother or father, the teenage babysitter, and the poor college student. But do you know whats reallying this delicious dinner food????
              I starting reading the ingredients part of the nutrition facts and I have pick out three of the most obscene words. the first one i found was sodium tripolyphosphate. I found a definition from The Free Online Dictionary it said the compound is a substance added to soaps and detergents to increase their cleaning action.  It is a inorganic, salt and acid compound. My top google results all said the same thing it is a compound increasing the power of soaps. After digging a little deeper I found that it is also used in foods as a preservative. It is common  in seafood, poultry, meats and animal feeds. It does many things in many a lot of different food products in meats it helps reduce discoloration and reduces shrinking of the product. It tenderizes canned products like beans and veggies. In baked products using eggs it helps the whipping process. In Kraft mac and cheese it is used as a basic preservative.
           The next long confusing word I found in the ingredients was thiamin mononitrate or more commonly known as B1. Surprisingly this long scary word does good things for your body. It is a essential to healthy body development. Your body can't make this nutrient so it must be ingested. It is a water soluable nutrient that helps keeps your eyes, hair and skin healthy. It is very common in food products because of its healthy for your body.  B1 as well as other B vitmins helps convert fat to energy. B1 can be found in cereals, grains, nuts and meats.
             Maybe this last word is not long and scary but it is kind of strange to find on mac and cheese box. Lactic acid was something I thought your body made during carido exercising, but I guess its in mac and cheese too. It is a pH regulator. A pH regulator is improves the flavor of  food, helps maintain color, and is a preservative to prolong storage life.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Josie Colbert Green Chemistry F11

           Before this class i have never heard of  green chemistry. I have only heard of the kind that would make little explosions and blow up in people's faces if they didn't make the precise measurements. The kind that teachers would warn students about, and had pages and pages of safety precautions with each chemical. That chemistry I know a couple things about but green chemistry is something completely new to me. Signing up for this class I am prepared to leave those harsh chemicals behind and start with something new and safer for everyone involved.
             I have been reading about green chemistry from a couple different sources. The most basic information I got from all the sources was that green chemistry is not harmful to the environment like the traditional chemistry procedures. It uses natural and unharmful chemicals so not to damage the environment. Goals of green chemistry are reducing waste and and using safer chemicals. Another goal is to reuse and recycle the appropriate chemicals. Just throwing them out is a unnecessary waste the chemistry community has realized. Another goal is to dispose of the chemicals properly so not to harm anyone.
               Some reasons why people in the chemistry field have made this new concept of "green chemistry" is because of old procedures that have been putting innocent people in harms way. The irresponsible disposing of harmful chemicals have brought many problems that involved a lot of time and money to fix. People within the last couple decades have realized that the earth isn't going to last if we keep using it the way it has been used. People in the chemistry field have put their heads together and developed a new branch of chemistry to try to promote and help stop destruction on the earth.